I'm having one of THOSE days. It started when I woke up three minutes before the alarm was to go off. What can you do with three minutes except wish you had them to sleep through! Then, the television alarm doesn't go off on time and the children blame you for them not getting finished the homework they should have done the night before but didn't because they knew you would get them up earlier enough the next morning.
Somehow I missed time to take a shower, which meant my hair had to get put up. Then I get dressed and can't find any socks. I pick up my keys and the dog it at the door ready to go. And the sunrise was red...
It never really rained today, just enough of a dreary drizzle to make my day complete. Which cancelled riding lessons which made my daughter walk around saying, "I'm Bored!"
My son and my husband are sniping at each other again. I get really tired of the male testosterone overflowing in my living room. I love my son, and I love my husband - but I cannot wait until Chris ships out to boot camp/A school. Two Reece men is too much at one time and in one place.
And my husband has to have another heart cath. The blockage/dead spot they saw in 2006 has moved/changed and they want to check it out. And out warehouse manager has more cancerous tumors in his leg. And I'm broke until business picks up next month.
I really need to sell my book, but I also want to hold out for the 'right' publisher. What is the right publisher? Preferably one who isn't a scam. One who believes in me and my story. One that doesn't want me to pay half the costs. Not to brag on myself, but - CATALYST is a great story and it's going to make someone (and me) a lot of money and bring enjoyment to a wide audience.
Family time this weekend - my bestest friend and her daughter are coming up for a few days from FLA. She lost her husband last year to a horrible, horrible illness - Lou Gehrig's Disease. It wastes away the body, but leaves the mind untouched. He was one of the most genuine people I ever met and I will miss his laugh and smile forever. But, I'm glad he was a part of her life because he made her life complete for the years they were together.
My son has a report date for the Navy. AMEN!! He wants to go Special Forces and he would be awesome there. But whatever he chooses he will excel at - he's just that kind of kid.
So my head and my heart aren't moving together right now. Which means Janis Joplin is calling to me.
"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose...."
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